Monday, December 31, 2007

What are you doing New Year's?

One of my favorite tunes is the title for my post. If you haven't heard it, you should check out Harry Connick Jr. or Ella Fitzgerald's versions. I love it because it is somber, yet hopeful. It's dreamy and sexy. I've always dreamed of a guy playing it for me and asking me out for New Year's. That hasn't happened fact as I reflect my New Year's Eves have drastically changed in the last 16 years.
There was the New Year's Eve in college where I sprained my ankle on the way IN to the party and had to be on crutches (in the snow and ice no less!) for evah.
There was another New Year's Eve in college when I came home with a friend and so didn't have "our car" (that would be the car that my brother and I shared) and had to borrow my parents' vehicle. As I was preparing to depart my mom said "Be home at 11:30". I was exasperated! Here I had been making my own decisions and living on my own for at least 3 years and she was telling me to be home before the all important kissing moment! I stomped in to the living room and asked my dad if he needed the car at 11:30 and that was why I needed to be home. He said no and so I asked my mom if she planned on going out at 11:30 and needed the car. Of course she wasn't and I now understand since I am a mom that she just didn't want me out on the roads at a dangerous time of night.
There were numerous drunken New Year's Eves because I LOVE champagne!!! There has always been good food and plenty of it. I spent one New Year's in Chicago with my best friend and her now ex-husband.
New Year's now that I have 2 kids who have only recently started sleeping through the night is quite different than those memories. We've had fondue on a few occasions with my husband's brother and sister in law. We've also gone out to restaurants a few times with friends from church. Those were good times.
It used to be so easy to stay up until midnight. Now I'm thinking of having 'midnight' happen at 8 right before our kids go to bed so they can participate on the horns and kissing. They won't get to see the ball or the Acorn drop (that's what they drop in Raleigh NC) but I think it would be fun. Dh got some horns and fun hats to wear.
So as with most posts my point comes at the end. And it is that my life continues to evolve.
So, what are you doing New Year's?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A sigh of relief

Ahhhhh. We made it. The hustle and bustle of the holidays has officially dropped by at least 50%. I am ready to pack the stuff up and get it back in the attic. I've never felt like that before. Maybe it is because we started early this year. I usually like to take the tree down New Year's day, but I think I will start removing ornaments today. We STILL have presents to open thanks to dh's big family. Every year we are amazed at how much they give us and every year we are overwhelmed. And now that all of the anticipation is over, on comes the let down. I've been feeling for a lack of a better word down. I know it has to do with the time of year. I like it warm and sunny, now is *supposed to be* the rainy, gray time of year. So I don't get to enjoy the sun as much and it effects this former California girl. I think it also has to do with this time of year being so connected to family and events with family. It's like a slap in the face or maybe a subtle jab that no one will be calling from my side of the family on the holiday to wish us anything. I should be used to it by now, but for some reason I have this naive side to me that hopes every year will be different. And then it is not. I did get one call from may Aunt. Thank god for her and her kind words reassuring me that everything that has happened in my family is not my fault as they want me to believe. That I am a good, loving, successful mother and teacher who makes her proud even if I don't make my parents proud. I really value her opinion. She and I have similar personalities and have always been close in heart even though we are not in miles. She said she wished she could be the mother to me that my heart needs and that is exactly what I needed to hear. She helped me see that I have to let the relationship with my parents go and that it is not going against anything in the Bible to do that because I have tried to make amends with them. However, I think I haven't forgiven them and that is something I will have to work on this year. So for now I am a motherless daughter attempting to raise her own child in a manner to which I am not accustomed. Which is scary territory. I need a mentor in this area, so if you pray, would you pray that God would bring someone in to my life to fill that position? Also pray for financial wisdom because we are seriously struggling and getting a second job just ain't going to make up the short fall.
So, this isn't exactly what I started out writing when I sat down, but it was on my heart and I needed to get it out. Feel free to share thoughts and advice. You could be my virtual sounding board. I like the sound of that.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rashes, dry skin, and hives - Oh My!

Another hurrendous week teedled by and thankfully I am on what is known as a "break". We might have to debate whether I am actually doing what says a break is on another post; "An allowance or indulgence; accommodating treatment". Hmmmm. Anywho on to what this blog was REALLY supposed to be about.
I noticed on Thursday that Grayson had a reddish colored patch of skin on her left hand. Still haven't figured out where it came from. Then today, the little buddy incurs some hives. Once again, don't know where those came from. And finally since it has turned to winter here (just for a few days - it will be back to 65 tomorrow!) we all seem to have the itchies. So dh went and bought a nice new big old humidifier. It is super quiet which I like. Now maybe I won't wake up feeling like I slept in the desert and inhaled most of it through my mouth. That's a nice picture isn't it?!
I have decided to monitor both kids' situations. I've applied Aveeno lotion to Grayson's hand and it seems a little better. The little buddy just got a round of ibuprofen because the rash from the antibiotic on his little hiney seems to be getting bad again and I think he might be teething. His gums look they might have some square raised puffy spots.
It's Saturday night. The kids are asleep and dh went to the bar to watch the Panthers lose. It is weird to be here all alone. Not sure what I will do. Maybe watch a movie? Take a bath?
Probably just go fall asleep in bed reading. Yeah, I think I hear the flannel sheets calling me now.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Rules of Christmas from a Toddler

This is the first year that my oldest child is able to comprehend the holiday season. We have lights outside that she helped put up and she turns them on each night when we get home. We have a song from "Santa" that she loves to play over and over and each night we do read about how Jesus was born and that we are celebrating his birthday soon.
One of my favorite things to do this season has been to drive around the neighborhoods each night for about 15 - 20 minutes and view lights. Last Friday night we spent a good 45 minutes patrolling. It was great. We had Christmas music on in the car and stopped for an Eggnog milkshake to top off the event. Even my husband said it was fun!
However, through all of this I am noticing some funny things that I am calling the Rules of Christmas - from her point of view. I will add to this list as I think of more.
1) ALL lighted reindeer are Rudolph.
2) Eggnog is an acceptable substitute for milk at dinner.
3) There is only one verse of Rudolph that matters and you must sing it over and over and over. "Then one foggy Christmas eve, Santa came to say...."
4) Santa hats make interesting slippers.
5) All presents will be for Grayson!

I'd love to hear what other toddlers are thinking this year.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Long time no type. Thank you to those who stop by regularly expecting something new. I can sum up the last 6 weeks since I've written in one word.


That's right. It's been one bug or another. I was trying to think of how I could put it in a festive holiday-type song. Here is a tidbit:
5 office copays
4 ear infections
3 different viruses
2 antibiotics
1 worn-out mother. (that would be me)

I won't go in to all the gory details but I have 1 official sick day left. That's it. Then we go in the hole (MORE!) each time I stay out. And they have had fevers - high ones. Not the kind that leave after 24 hours.

I also had a blogging identity crisis. I thought perhaps I shouldn't be writing about what I was writing about and then if I wasn't what would I write about?! Like, do you really want to hear about how I grapple with how to handle the holidays without speaking with my parents? How I can't figure out how to honor their request and honor God's command at the same time? Or how my MIL drives me crazy although she is well intentioned? Or how I get so angry at my inept husband that I long for the single days except I wouldn't have my sweet pea children? Or how proud I am that my daughter hit a boy who spit on her but I had to give her consequences since hitting isn't the best response? Or how I just can't seem to shine at anything since I feel so overloaded and don't have anyone to help?

And then. It's the holidays. There are so many years of negative stuff that have happened around this time of year for me that I tend to just withdraw. And for that I say I'm sorry.

Got any ideas for me on the identity thing? Or advice on the relationship thing?
So - enough about me. What's been going on with you?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

When's it due?

Apparently my loose fitting clothing is giving people who haven't known me before this year the WRONG impression - one that I am with child.
Now, I thought the first time I would let it pass. I was wearing a dress and my tummy did feel a little more jiggly than usual, so I guess one could assume I am of childbearing age and possibly carrying one.
Then, again, I was asked. This time I could not ignore that I must still look pregnant even though I delivered almost one year ago. I was dumbfounded both times and could not figure out what to say. Here are a few thoughts:

Mind your own business
I just miscarried
Dec. 1........2006 (which was really his due date)

What are your ideas on how to respond?
I guess I'm taking it as reminders to stop eating so much junk and exercise more. Although it does hurt my feelings.
I told my husband because when we married I was a size 6. I have kept just a few items when I was cleaning out the closet before we moved to remind me how small I used to be. I am now not a size 6. I am a 12 on a good day. Does that mean that I am twice as large?
I haven't actually measured myself nor do we have a scale for me to go by. I do know that the clothes I bought to wear when I went back to work after having Grant seem to be a little tight. Which means that I have GAINED weight since January.
Perhaps this is hard for me because I have been small all my life and have always been able to eat whatever I want. I did not gain much weight with either of my pregnancies - 23 pounds with Grayson and 18 with Grant.
I have always known that if I did gain too much weight I would have a hard time losing it.
And that seems to be holding true. Which is why I get asked - when's it due?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Quiet = bad

Since I will be spending larger amounts of time in math(courtesy o' my principal) my brain is thinking in different ways. What was once a twisted trail (ah, yes, alliteration) of words is now *sometimes* straight-forward and logical. Go figure! (no pun intended)

The new equation is: Quiet = bad.

This applies to children. I especially think it applies to those children under the age of 5. This weekend my husband and I both had many tasks which we needed to complete. I will tell you on a regular weekend when this happens it usually works out that we talk about what needs to get done and then I watch the kids after he returns from work so that he can do what is on his list. Never is the childwatching returned so that I may work on my list accomplished. I have to fight my way through one-handed to finish anything. Most things get started, and are then interrupted by little people who can't go to the bathroom by themselves or feed themselves. I digress.....back to Quiet = bad.

I guess the severe lack of uninterrupted sleep has caused my mother's intuition to be defunct because normally I can ward off some evil. Not this weekend.
will be by with her white glove. Grayson has gotten particularly good at going to the bathroom when she needs to. She doesn't tell us, just heads to the bathroom. This makes me oh-so happy to not have to change or spend money on diapers. She still has a few things to work on, such as wiping and washing hands afterword, but the pee-pee is in the potty 99% of the time. It is because of this that I did not suspect anything. I had a million things on my list I needed to do because next weekend is the family birthday party for my little people and super-perfect SMIL will be around with the white glove. ANYWHO, Grayson entered the bathroom and I got busy in various parts of the house and then realized

it's quiet.

Oh NO - TOO LATE. The first time it happened she had gotten in to her new Princess toothpaste -("Mommy it comes out like a heart") and had sucked a good portion straight out of the tube in addition to smearing a heavy dose on the bathroom counter because "It needed to brush its teeth too". When dh saw it and was amused, I told him he could clean it up if he thought it was so funny.
The next incident occurred during the hurried dinner making fiasco time.
ONCE AGAIN under the guise of going to the bathroom she disappears. In the meantime I am checking peas, listening for timers to go off, and then

it's quiet.

OH CRAP not again! She had emptied these shaped soap flakes; a few in the tub, the rest on the floor and her brother was scurrying to taste them.

So remember, in the future, if you are a new parent, a parent to be, or not yet a parent.

Quiet = bad. It could save you unnecessary cleaning up.

In case you haven't tried it....

Sierra Mist has cranberry splash back - you know, just in time for the holidays. I remember seeing it advertised and not being able to find it last year. Well, just like with the orange-filled oreos for Halloween, one must strike early. Dh found this in the store and brought some home.(NOT DIET! this was the only picture I could find) It was delightful and as Grayson would say de-wicious. Pick some up if you can. The cranberry is not overpowering. Just a splash as its title would suggest.

Some things they just don't understand

For example - daylight savings time. Or is that what we just ended? I never can keep it straight. I just know to fall back in the Fall and spring forward in the Spring.
Anywho. Although we kept the little people up an hour or so later last night, their internal clocks have not yet adjusted leaving us(oops I mean me, dh is still sleeping) up at their "normal" time which was one hour earlier today. Hopefully, I'll get a nap later. (Yeah right with football on?!)

Friday, November 02, 2007

My principal + a problem = solution (me)

My once seemingly well-balanced plate at work has simply runneth over this past week. I don't think I've explained my job as it is a new position and we are somewhat ironing out the kinks while I work. I am a certified ( and certifiable!!) Middle School teacher. I have 4 areas of certification which one might say is overzealous.(yes, English is one of the areas) Someone else might say it is smart because that means I will never be out of a job. ( come on, I live in NC, we're CONSTANTLY short teachers - why do you think I moved here?!?!) But a third person could say is stupid to have that many areas because that means you will be switched every year.....which I mostly am, but I digress.
This year I get a fancy title - AIG facilitator. And since education is noted for its acronyms I will tell you that AIG = Academically/Intellectually Gifted.
That's right. As I comprehend from my interview last April I am to assist with the program AND (here comes my favorite part!) I get to teach WHATEVER I WANT!!!! That's right. Every Wednesday the top 5% of the school comes to my room to be "enriched". These kids are amazing. It makes my week. I don't feel worthy to teach them.
SO back to the story at hand (which is getting quite lengthy I might add). Besides teaching
the STARS ( Students That Are Really Smart ) on Wednesdays I am supposed to be able to assist teachers by planning and/or executing lessons for the classes that they have AIG kids in. I was making my own schedule for the most part and coordinating with the 3 grade levels of teachers.
It appears my "services" are needed now in whatever classroom they receive the most parent complaints from. Doesn't matter if there are AIG kids in the room or not. Not that I have to exclusively ONLY teach gifted kids. I have taught all levels of students up until this year, so it is no skin off my nose. The problem was that by being in these other classes I was not able to "my work" which includes maintaining accurate files (close to 225) and I had a big report due yesterday.
I am being ping-ponged between two main classes - 6th grade math and 8th grade English. The 8th graders' teacher is on maternity leave and they need to be ready for Honors Freshman English next year. Having a substitute who just writes the assignments on the board will not do it. The 6th grade teacher is entering teaching from another position. This is his first ever teaching gig. Teaching my friends is not for the faint-hearted. This gentleman is mathematically sound, but has not refined his discipline or teaching techniques because this is his first teaching gig. Which is where I enter the picture. I thought I had raised him up enough in the six weeks I was going in there so I exited to handle the English because the two class times clash. However in the 2 weeks I was out of math the parents raised enough of a stink that I am now back in math

for the whole year.

My principal and I had a chat after I visited the director of Gifted Services for our county and attempted to set up a schedule.
My principal explained that this (probably meaning the parents who were complaining) is problem. While there were other solutions such as changing students' schedules he was not willing to do that. Which means that I am his solution ( which is what I said to him). SO the new math is
principal + problem = solution (me)

The other facilitators at my school are aware of the problem and so we joke that if they have any problems, I might be able to solve them since I am the solution.
Just let me know if you have any problems, I might be the solution to them too.

Only a man

The leaves are finally changing colors here in the Southeast. This requires men to pull out the heavy artillery - jet pack leaf blowers. I was somewhat startled by the sudden whirr outside my classroom window today, so I leapt to the window to see the custodian
with his jet-pack leaf blower on
And thus the title of tonight's post.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lunch is not the same

After almost 2 months of school I have come to the conclusion that lunch is not the same without Oreo cookies. I have sampled other cookies just to give them a fighting chance, but truly lunch is not the same. I bought Chips aHoy when they were on sale, but as soon as I could, I purchased some Oreos leaving the previous cookies in the pantry for anyone to eat. I think the family probably thought I was being nice. You see, I don't like to share two things. One is ice cream and the other is Oreos. In fact, I have various hiding places to conceal this luscious treat just for myself. I'm not going to post them because on the off chance my husband takes the time to read this, then I will no longer have Oreos for myself. A week or so ago I lucked up and found some of the Halloween oreos with orange icing. My husband found the hidden location of said Oreos, ate more than his fair share and then demanded I purchase more. I searched 4 stores for more, alas, we are doomed to traditional double stuff.
My affair with Oreos is a long one. My dad used to eat his for breakfast. I just realized that my mom used to hide them from me, and maybe that is why I do the same now! I like to make up desserts using my beloved cookie. My favorite involves ice cream, hot fudge, and Cool Whip. I didn't say it was healthy!
Not even the blonde oreos would do. While still an Oreo, it is the chocolate cream combination I crave. There's nothing like it. I might even trade a homemade chocolate chip cookie for an Oreo. It's milk's favorite cookie and it's mine too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More weird things about me

After the success of last weeks' weird things about me post, I found out I wasn't so weird! In fact, who would have thought that more people don't like to breathe other people's breath while they are sleeping? Here are a few more tantalizing tidbits:
1) I like to eat all of one food on my plate before I start another.
2) I don't like the different foods on my plate to touch.
3) I like to cook or bake, but don't like to do the dishes. I also like to eat what I've made and critique it for how I would fix it the next time.
4) I like a little bit of butter underneath the peanut butter on my PB & J sandwich. This one comes from my Grandma. She said it helps to keep the sandwich from sticking to the top of your mouth.
5) I only shave my legs if I'm going to the doctor, or it is time to wear tights. I have very blonde leg hair and you can barely see it because it is so fine.
6) I hate/ can't shave my legs in the shower, I have to do it in the bathtub because I'm a perfectionist.

Can't wait to hear the comments from this week's installment.

Monday, October 22, 2007

From bad to worse

So we started the day sleep deprived and grumpy and we are ending it well, sleep deprived, grumpy, and lacking daycare. That's right I arrived to be told that we have two weeks for something miraculous to happen and our name to come up on one of the many lists that we have been on for years. What hurts a little more is that we have been friends with this person and she is aware of the fact that we don't have family nearby. I could go in to more detail about how we have paid her in full and appreciated her when no one else was and this is how we are repaid!?
Hope the rest of the week isn't this bad! Sheesh.

A Case of the Mondays

Some of you may be familiar with this line from one of my favorite movies "Office Space". In case you have been sleeping under a rock and haven't seen this movie here is a quick explanation. The co-workers in the office repeat that line over and over to a particular worker because of his behavior on Monday. It becomes irritating because he doesn't feel like anything is wrong. However, it applies today because we just TOTALLY got off to a bad start.
I awoke suddenly at 3:30ish because I heard Grant crying. I figured he was probably cold and hungry. He didn't eat very much dinner and wouldn't keep the blanket on when I tried to put one on him. He was NOT going back to sleep after he ate on one side, so I switched him to the other hoping to hear those sweet little breath sounds change to slow ones which means he is asleep and I can lay him back in the crib. At about 4 his sister wakes up crying - after a record 17 days without an accident, she wet the bed. Greg pops his head in Grant's room and says she will need dry jammies. (Her dresser is in the closet of his room because I got tired of her pulling all her clothes out of the drawers and leaving them on the floor when it was in her room). Grant thinks this means it is time to play, but is heartbroken when I return him to his crib. I go next door to help take care of the pee-pee situation since daddy doesn't know where anything is.(like dry sheets, etc.) I start rocking her while he attempts to mop up the effected area on the bed. After 20 or more minutes of work we decide to make her a bed on the floor to finish the night out. It is now just about 5 a.m. when I return to sleep or rather bed because it was too long to be up and I have a hard time going to sleep.
This time that we were awake affected the kids too. Not only did WE not want to get up (ya know, the responsible adults, HA!) They didn't want to get up, Grayson couldn't make the simplest decision and changed her mind 20 times about shoes,pocketbook, and breakfast.
Needless to say this caused me to be 20 minutes late for work and have a case of the Mondays. Maybe if I could go to Chotchskies and get a cup of coffee my day would be better? Or perhaps I could beat the printer with a baseball bat? I definitely don't have enough flair. I do have a meeting later, but not with the Bob's. Anyway, that was a bunch of references to the movie. You should really see it if you haven't. I bet watching it would help my case of the Mondays!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

An artist at work

In addition to the picnic, swinging, and wagon ride, Grayson wanted to paint the sidewalk. We changed her clothes in to something that it didn't matter if the paint stained and set to work. I'm not exactly sure what these are, but here they are.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

BEE-utiful day

Grayson is in love with her Halloween costume. She likes it so much, she wouldn't even let me clip the price tag off! Not only that, it has been a beautiful day. We've gone for a wagon ride, had a picnic, swung on the swings and will head to a Fall Festival with jumping things to wear out energetic almost three year olds at a local church.
In addition to it being bee-utiful, the boy turned 11 months on Thursday and so I must show you his big boy look.
Such a happy boy! I forgot to mention that the Fall Festival is free and I got some good shots of Grayson painting the driveway and herself that I will have to post for you l8tr! Man, every time I see how big his noggin is, I am almost thankful I had a c-section!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Dry Spell Over!!

I imagine that is what the newspapers will say. You see for the first time in about 6 weeks we had measurable rain! I was actually excited about it. I rushed out of the bathroom and awoke my snoring husband to share the good news. ALL our plants look sooo sad. And while I was preparing for my day in the bathroom I started thinking about how my life has dry spells too. (I'm sure my husband thinks of our sex dry spell almost daily!Doh!Poor fella.)
I'm kind of in a spiritual dry spell. It's very hard for me to get motivated to rush and dress the family and then get buckled in the car, and then unbuckle and attempt to carry Grant with one arm while carrying the diaper bag, my pocketbook, and hopefully Grayson's hand through the parking lot and down the long hall to the nursery. Once the children are settled I attempt to worship while waiting on pins and needles until my number comes up indicating it is time for me to assist the nursery with my crying/upset son. This usually occurs right as the message is about to start causing me to miss it or right near the end so I miss the final points. Also, tonight is Bible study. I don't even know where the book is, so how could I read to be prepared? It's a couples Bible study, so we're supposed to be "sharing" the book. I can just tell you that ain't happening. Is it ironic that the book is about being closer to God and yet I feel more distant than ever? I know it is my own doing, I just don't know how to un-do it.
I read on one of the many church signposts that I travel by each day this saying:
"Pray for rain and then carry an umbrella."

I'm still trying to figure that one out in relation to my life. What do you think it means?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Grant's First Haircut

After daycare called yesterday afternoon to say that she would be closed again today (this is costing me $100 a day by the way!) I decided it was time for drastic measures. I have always loved little boys with those soft buzz-cut heads and so I thought when Grant turned one (which I don't know why the rule is to not cut their hair until they are one anyway - who made this rule and why am I expected to follow it?!) I would get him a little buzz. Well, the sitter's doctor recommended we do it.
So we did.
She also suggested that we get our kids on this powerful medication that helps them to resist the lice. I am not going that far. I believe I did a thorough treatment the first time and just did one yesterday to humor her. ANYWAY, I digress (what would my blog be without some of those?!?)
So the hairstylist called at about 3 to say she had a cancellation at 4:15 and was I interested? Heck ya! So we got both kids hair cut. Now that it is over, I can't help but miss his hair. I mean it is only hair and it will grow back, but I still miss how he used to wake up with "horns" because it was sticking up. Yeah, it will grow back. I also can't help but feel he looks a little like a cancer patient. It makes me sad. But, it will grow back right? He's a little cranky today. I don't blame him. Here are a few pictures to commemorate the event.
That's chocolate juice dripping off his mouth.
This next one makes me flash to the future if he should join the Armed Services.

And the final outcome:
And now, just so his sister has equal blog-time (which I noticed she did not have any pictures!) Here is one that makes me laugh because the delay on the camera is just long enough that instead of catching her standing on the stool and being told to get down, it caught her falling.
And last but not least, her new jammies and hair.
She matches her wall!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm gonna get you sucka

So I guess I must have SUCKER tattoed on my forehead. I have a gut feeling about things. For example over the summer when I lost my job and then they found money and reinstated me. I had a gut feeling it would work out. But last night's gut feeling was that this is wrong.
Going back to my beliefs as a Christian, I think everyone deserves a second chance. And that we should help other people. Okay now that you know two of my basic philosophies I'll tell the rest of the story ( as Paul Harvey would say ).
I was approached in the driveway by a guy that I recognized as living in my neighborhood. Usually he is pushing a mower and offering to mow yards, but since we haven't had any measurable rain in 2 months, nobody needs their yard mowed. (Not that we ever allowed him. He's also tried to get gas for his mower from us and I had to be rude to get him to leave, but still he returns.) SO I guess he was trying to cook up a different way to get some cash. He and his "nephew" aka a young school age kid were working the neighborhood trying to "raise money" for the local school fundraiser. I have been with this system 10 years and know that for 2 of the schools I've worked at checks for fundraisers were made out directly to the PTO. This guy wanted me to make it out the boy for $3 more than the item I was buying and I would get the difference a week from Fri. when he delivered my product. So my gut was telling me - NO WAY. But then my head starts in telling me "Maybe the school has to cover a lot of bounced checks and they add the cost to make sure it clears." Well, I should have gone with my gut. I called the school this morning. Then I called the bank and put a stop payment on the check. Now I will be religiously checking the account online to make sure he isn't check washing or doing something else with our little bit of savings.
If I could just say NO then this would not be a problem. Is this a reminder not to trust people or that I need to be stronger? Some day I'll learn.

Monday, October 15, 2007

They're baaaaack!

The lice that is. Did I tell you Grayson had a big bad case of it about a month ago and I had to stay home like almost 3 weeks ago and treat her head with petroleum jelly because it hadn't been 10 days and we couldn't use the chemical one again? Forgive me if I left out those details,on to the story at hand.......I picked my sweet baby boy up this afternoon and noticed something black on his head. I scratch at it and it moves. UGH!!!!! So I do a little more searching. :-( There were more little "friends".
He doesn't have it real bad, but the nits are smaller than the comb and he is WAY more wiggly than his sister. How my mother kept us from getting this is beyond me. And both of the daycare providers' girls seem to have it. She's taking them to the dr. and then stripping the house tomorrow. Which means I have an added day off with the kids and will be checking/treating Grayson and doing a multitude of laundry. Fun times......


Dear highway,
We would like to thank you for the wonderful commerce you have brought our county. However, we were wondering if you had to do it so loudly?! Our house is over 1 mile from you and we can still hear your heavy traffic at all hours of the night. I wonder what it will be like when the leaves are off the trees? I'm sure the birds and other animals don't appreciate your noise either.
We know the rumble strips along the edge are supposed to assist drowsy drivers, however we find this too annoying.
Can we reach a compromise?

Dear back-yard neighbor,
Hi, it's us, the family with loud little kids. We just wanted to tell you that the super-bright floodlights you have on either because you were taking out the trash or want to protect your property are in fact annoying the hell out of us. You might have noticed some lovely furniture we purchased over the summer on our patio? In fact now that the nights are cooler we would like to utilize it for some adult conversation, but when we have to squint to talk to one another it really kills the mood. Could we have a "lights out" policy from say 9 p.m. until 6 a.m.? You see it also shines on the bedrooms and little kids think it is time to wake up when they see light. Thanks for your courteous light usage.
The fam

Weird things about me

There are probably too many to list, but here is a start.
1) I HATE to pay full price for ice cream,toilet paper, paper towels, or washing powder.
2) I do not like to sleep with my face facing someone ( that would be my husband ) so that I breathe or inhale his exhalation.
3) I like a thin layer of butter underneath my peanut butter on mt PB & J's.
4) I lived in Northern Cal. from my 5th birthday until I was almost 13. Maybe that's why I am weird?!
5) Except for one year about 12 years ago, I have only used Macintosh/Apple computers. I heart them.

What's weird about you?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

So we had a great day. It started off kind of rough because we couldn't decide what we wanted for breakfast (uh hem I mean daddy couldn't decide) so it was 10 o'clock and 1 trip to the grocery store later before we ate. Then we played on the swingset ( note to self, upload some pics of the new swingset). Grant took a nap and then we were off.
On the way to the family reunion yesterday we saw a sign for a pumpkin patch. Being the Halloween aficionado that he is dh spied it and made note. We travel out in the country (lazily I might add) with the windows down, babies in the backseat chatting to one another admiring horseys, looking for cows and any other livestock. We reach the corner where we saw the big sign posted and look for directions, but it says "Oct. 15 - Nov.1". Oh MAN! We decided to drive the 5 miles up the country road just to see what we could see. We arrive and dh hops out of the car excitedly to go see if they will at least let us take some pictures, but they say they are ready. Out of the car we go. We were greeted by this.
Surprisingly, Grayson was not afraid. She's been talking a lot about spiders and being scared lately. Then it was time to set out and find the perfect pumpkin.
There were plenty to choose from, which is probably why it took so long. Grayson started with the little-ish ones.
p.s. her shirt reads "Ghoul power". we love a play on words!!!!
Grant kind of liked the bigger ones. (p.s. he started walking unassisted Monday!)
They had some cute photo op places set up, so mommy went a little crazy and was taking so many pictures you would have thought she was a from daddy's side of the family.
Me-ow. Here's the Grantster. Don'tcha know he's my little pumpkin!
We concluded our time by taking the long way home by way of Cook Out for some shakes and snacks. Grayson fell asleep in the car and did not want to go back to sleep before the birthday party this afternoon.
All in all a good day.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To dream, to sleep

Remember how night time is supposed to be for sleep? Well, at our house it is mostly just a battle of wits. So far, I think the adults are losing. I understand why sleep deprivation is a form of torture. I have trouble thinking of simple words some days. It's getting to be ridiculous. But that is not really what this blog was supposed to be about. This blog is supposed to be about how I miss dreaming. I have always had an elaborate imagination - which can be really bad when you are a mom and tend to lean to the pessimistic side so I envision mostly dramatically tragic things happening to her. The other thing about the dreams was I could always recall the details very well. Now, I think I don't get to stay asleep long enough without interruption to get to the dreaming stage - which makes me really sad. However, I did have this one weird one. I'm not exactly sure if I was dreaming because I had a VERY bad headache and wasn't sure I was asleep, but here goes. I was e-mailing or writing a letter to Julia Roberts. In the dream I felt keenly connected to her because her twins are a week older than my daughter. Then her second pregnancy produced a son just like mine did. Anyway, through this letter we became friends(she called me!) and the best part was that after a while she paid off my debt and got me in to a couple of movies. Pretty neat huh? Now, do I actually attempt the letter.....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The plot thickens.....

So......after 3 months of no communication, my mom emailed me. She wanted me to know that her glaucoma has worsened over the summer and she will have to have surgery on October 10 (I think that's the date, I was still in shock that she e-mailed!). At the end of the e-mail she asked if she could call Grayson for her birthday which is about 2 months away now. I must say I am torn. She sounded so down.
I'll be thinking out loud below, so if you feel one of the following options is better, then please reply, or I'm open to other options too.
1) Part of me wants to not reply. I mean they did say no communication. Is this only "speak if you are spoken to?"
2) Shoot out a nasty reply denying her a phone call. I mean it's only a phone call. Grayson probably doesn't remember who Nana is because she is 2 years and almost 10 months and she can barely remember yesterday let alone her Nana who visited in March.
3) Send a short succinct reply saying it's okay to call and we'll be praying for ya.

I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill, but I think if I let her call that is signaling the door is open. Open for communication and possibly more manipulation or attempted manipulation that I don't want to be a part of.
The last few months without them hasn't been that hard. We had our anniversary and their anniversary and I thought about sending a card with the new pictures of the kids, but I resisted because they said no communication unless there was an emergency. I wanted to talk to them when my job was up in the air because that's something that you want to talk to your parents about since they have more life experience.
I had made up my mind that we wouldn't accept presents from them for birthdays and not send any for them for the holidays. I still want to stick to that, but then feel like that might be a little hard-ass. Then I start to remember all the times they have hurt me and pulled this crap and I'm like "NO, they are lucky you acknowledge their existence at all!" Okay, that last sentence seems pretty dramatic, but I am a thespian, so what can I say.
Anyway, I was hoping by blogging about this I would be closer to an answer, and now it feels like I am further away from one. But I know that you all will help me focus and come up with a good solution. So....what do you think I should do?
In other news I must confess a slight crush on one of our grocery store checker/bag boys. There was a period of time in August when I was "forgetting" things so I could go to the store when he worked. He's just so cute.....he has blonde hair, a great tan, and tight abs, biceps, and calves. He seems very outdoorsy and probably hasn't a clue that I like staring at him. Me being an almost middle-aged, still nursing with 15 lbs. of baby weight on me mom. The reason I am confessing is because the other day he came over to finishing bagging my groceries as I was paying and I BLUSHED!!! and couldn't find the words to answer the sentence that the checker had asked me as I was cashing out. Sad isn't it, but it makes me look forward to the dreaded deed of grocery shopping. Now THAT'S motivation!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A string of good luck?

I guess I must be living right. Over the past few weeks I have; found $85, gotten a free dinner and wine at a nice restaurant, and scored tickets to the Panthers vs. the Steelers for my husband - all within like 3 days of each other. So I commented that I must be livin right (it's an expression down here in case you have not heard it). And I couldn't believe that one of the people in the dinner party said "So we must be living wrong?" Ummmm, no, I just seem to have really bad luck. Usually just one bad thing will happen and then it will snowball into a string of them and I begin to wonder when it will end. You know, kind of like the sexual harassment the first day of my new job. Maybe my fortune has turned and now I will continue to have a string of good things happening. At least, that's what I'm hoping.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy 9 months!

Remember this guy? It's hard to believe that my little guy has now been out in the world as long as he was inside me. He has his "official" 9 month check up tomorrow, so I will update on all his data then. But when we went to the dr. to check his ears he weighed 21.5 lbs.! And he has his first ear infection. But he looks amazingly happy in these pictures.

Plus the blog hasn't had any pictures on it as of late. So what better than a beautiful baby boy to brighten a blog. ( and add a bunch of alliteration! )

His hair doesn't really look like Eddie Munster's that much in real-life. Don't ya just want to kiss those cheeks?!
Edited to add his stats: 21 lbs. and 28.5 in.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Looking forward to tomorrow

Thinking back on a year ago, I can honestly say I am looking forward to this school year. Being a teacher is like running a marathon. There are two big hills to get over. The first is the long stretch from Sept. to Nov. without a break. We have to do this because down here when there are snow days (which may start in Jan. and end in April) school is usually called off. If it is REALLY cold and doesn't melt then you miss another day because the school buses will not go down impassible roads. Anywho, I digress. The final is at the end of the year when all the state tests are administered. My original post was about how I am looking forward to this year. And then...... on Saturday son awakes with

a fever.

He was blazin' hot too. Not just a slight thing, but one that only subsides with a sizable dose of ibuprofen. This now poses a conundrum because he is not to go to daycare with a fever. But it's the FIRST DAY! I will feel SO bad if I can't be there. They give you all the important info. and expectations and I will miss it. Normally that would be a welcomed break, but I am at a new school and you just can't miss the first day. I have Open House on Wednesday!!! My room is NOT unpacked. There are still scheduling decisions to be made. I feel so unprepared.
We'll hopefully get a walk-in appointment between 1 and 3 at the doctor later. I'm hoping it is just his 4 top teeth trying to come in, but in case it isn't then maybe we can get some medicine in him and get that fever down.
But still, I am looking forward to this school year.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A run-in with a homeless man

Unfortunately our town has had many layoffs and there seems to be a growing number of homeless. Or maybe I should say there is a growing number of people who will stand on a median or interstate exit with a sign requesting help. Tonight I return from getting diapers at Target and I am faced with this decision. You see I don't talk about it much on my blog but I do believe in God and I very strongly believe in Matt. 25:40 about "whatever you do unto the least of these you have done unto me." This verse hits me in the face when I see people with a sign requesting help. While I am certainly by no means rich financially I feel obligated to show that I am not just a reader of the Word so to speak, but also a do-er. I have also seen a car in front of me give someone money and then in turn see the "homeless" person in the store buying beer. Sometimes I say a prayer for them. This feels safer to me because it has no direct contact, other than the uncomfortable feeling that lasts as you try to figure out where to place your eyes for the duration of the red light. I have bought them food and brought it to them, but tonight was different. I'm not quite sure what to learn from it.
I am sitting at the light which of course is a long one and the man can barely keep his head up. I had just spent my money on dinner and did not have cash, but there was a water sitting on the passenger seat. His sign read "homeless, any help will do." The water had been in the car all day and alas it has been mighty hot here, quite possibly a preview of hell! I roll down my window and say "Sir, I have a water - it's hot but you are welcome to it." Evidently he did not hear the "It's hot" part because he comes over and grabs it and yells "It's hot!". Then he throws it in the bushes beside him. I just shook my head and thankfully the light turned green so I could drive away in dismay. I guess I'm back to just sitting in my car and praying until I get the bad taste out of my mouth from this one.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

We have a winner!

Is what my husband yells out from the bathroom tonight as he is preparing to bathe our daughter. He pops his head out from the doorway with a smile and exclaims - "In the skid-mark race!" Apparently the speedy or lack of wiping has caught up with our daughter and made a mark in her underpants. I'm wondering - is this something babybook worthy? LOL. I mean there is the first tooth, first birthday, first skidmark? She might laugh later on when she can read it.

Last dance

I'm noticing many of my titles have song references. I guess that is the musician in me! I can't get Donna Summer's song out of my head as I type this.
Anyway tomorrow is my last day of summer vacation and I can't believe it. To celebrate or perhaps mourn the loss of freedom for the next 10 months I have done a few special things for myself. I know so often as women my friends and I do for others, but not ourselves. Yesterday I had my hair cut and colored. This morning I had a somewhat religious experience as I had an HOUR massage! I have NEVER had a massage let alone for an hour. I now know what I will do with my birthday money EVERY year. Oh don't worry, you didn't miss it, it was back in February and since I have a hard time making decisions it just takes me this long to use it. Actually, as I filled in my calendar the other day I realized it is just under 18 months until I turn 40! Later today I will use a gift certificate from my student teacher and get a "mani and pedi" as they call it in the business. That would mean I was getting my fingernails and toenails painted and not having to do it myself. I get to eat lunch with my hubby tomorrow and dinner with a good old friend. Saturday I eat with some colleagues (oops, need to make the reservation!) and Monday it is back to work. I feel refreshed and generally oblivious to the deluge of parents, paperwork, and unpacking about to hit me. I'm not really even feeling guilty about the money I've spent. yet.

Maybe it runs in the family?

Besides the lovely snoring the first thing I heard this morning was my cell phone ringing in the kitchen. I peep at the clock across the room which is my husband's and I can't figure out what time it is because he has it set at like some ungodly time fast. Most people set theirs in 5 min. increments like 5, 10, or 15 minutes fast, but he has his somewhere like 42 minutes fast. So I peer at my little clock which is difficult to read in the dark and without glasses and it says 7:38. Ummmm, he's supposed to be at work by 7:20. The next thing I do is get up and go see who called (I had an idea anyway) and notice a very bad smell. I stand and sniff to see if perhaps it is I who smell. So I leave the room, but alas it is not me who offends. I walk back in the kitchen and notice that one of the burner knobs is not in the upright position. DH HAD LEFT A BURNER ON WITH THE EMPTY FRYING PAN PERCHED ON IT!!!!!! Maybe it's something about this house that we can't control the stove. Or maybe it's just stupidity!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Burning down the house

I actually almost did it! I was multi-tasking, but paying attention to the clock so I thought it would be all right. I left the kitchen with the apples for some babyfood steaming. I went to check and see how much money was in my bank account, pay a bill, and then head over to see what some of my friends at the birth club I frequent on Babycenter were up to. ONLY 10 minutes out of the 12 recommended in the recipe had gone by and I am sitting at our computer which is in the room beside the kitchen and I start to smell something that is definitely NOT apples. It's more smokey.....Oh My God. It must be the pan! I'm thinking the water must have boiled away and now the pan is going to melt on to the eye of the stove. I rush to the kitchen where smoke is pouring out the top of the pan and in one swift motion quickly shut it off and turn the fan over the stove on. Luckily there was a small pot of water on the back burner and I pour it into the pan with the apples. Time passes........pan cools.......and the science teacher in me HAS to investigate. I remove the steamer and toss the apples in a trash bag. The bottom of the pan is black and bubbly. However the bubbles are sort of crystally and pretty. Scrubbing and scraping ensues. I'm reminded how cool the element Carbon is. I remove what I believe to be part of the teflon coating layer. Now I wonder if I should use the pot again - if it's safe? I mean we cooked without teflon when I was little. I actually can't see any rips or tears in the teflon that could come off while I cook and pose as a choking hazard. This pot is the mac n' cheese pot. It's the tomato soup pot. I don't think I can throw her out. What's a girl to do? At least the house is still in tact for a few more hours and my family is none the wiser!

He don't know his greens

So we were having lasagne last night and what goes better with lasagne than a salad and garlic bread? It's practically a standard. So instead of braving the grocery store with a tempermental toddler and a not-so-solid sitting up 8 month old during the busy part of the shopping day I asked my husband to bring home a head of lettuce. NOT the bagged stuff because well, it is getting SO expensive even when it is on sale and a head of iceberg is 1/3 the cost so we agreed that this would be a way for us to save a few bucks easily. I prepare the Stouffer's lasagne and garlic bread - all I need is the lettuce to whip up a quick salad and dinner is ready. Husband arrives home with something green. I must explain that this is not the best time of night for our children. Grant is tired and teething and Grayson is sporting a summer cold complete with revolving low-grade fever and bad attitude and so I wasn't really paying close attention to what the green thing was.(which is another reason I did not want to go to the store). The usual chaos of daddy arriving home ensues and I go to prepare the salad. Alas, he brought home CABBAGE. Now, I must say he has lived on his own, cooked at a restaurant briefly, and is 32 years old but did not know what a head of lettuce looks like when it hasn't been chopped and placed in a salad bag! Well, I tried. I suppose we'll just add that night on to the others where there isn't something green on the plate.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The wind knocked out of me

Remember as a child playing football and getting tackled so hard that it felt like your lungs collapsed and you couldn't breathe? Well, I have had two events recently in my life that caused me to feel that. First, this past week I was informed after moving 4 truck loads of stuff from a school that I loved that my position at the new school was being cut. I suddenly felt like a small child in a big department store who had walked away from his or her mom and was lost. And then (second) I realized that for all intents and purposes I have lost my mom. So, it's been hard to write. Plus, my husband has this Warcraft game he likes to play at night after the kids go to bed (which has been REALLY late some nights, like 10 p.m.) and I have not received my work computer yet, SO we've had to share a computer. Which basically means he gets to use the computer at night. I'll get the airport hooked up ASAP after getting it and then we'll be in touch more!

Friday, July 06, 2007

What is this world coming to?

Oh, I thought as a teacher I had heard it all, but watch the video in the link by clicking the title of the thread and then I think it will be close. I am about in tears. I guess I will be locking my doors at all times now.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Welcome Home

Since I am actually not teaching, attending workshops, or having to review new curriculum or text books, I have been looking at houses. We have only lived here almost 2 years, but the house does not yet feel ours. For example, 2 bedrooms still have the depressing gray paint that the previous owners must have gotten a deal on because 2/3 of the house was painted that shade. I vow to rid the last 2 rooms of that shade this summer. However, my immediate attention has turned to our mini-front porch. It isn't large enough to put a swing or chair. But I realized that my little entry area is not so inviting. Now I have gifts of singing and teaching but not decorating. I KNOW that many of you do and thought, why not ask for help. So far I know I want to paint the front door - perhaps a lovely shade of purple (my favorite color) or red. I'd like to have some plants and maybe a new light, new house numbers. What else? Here's a few pictures to help your imagination.
First close and then further away.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Whatcha Readin'?

Summer is my favorite time to read. Even as a child and teen I would voraciously devour at least a book a week. Since my job is changing and I have NO idea what I will be doing, I feel motivated to submerge myself in various subgroups of fiction and nonfiction. I just might sit on the couch all day and partake decadently in a Harry Potter novel as I did in the days before children. Below is a list of books I might get to read all the way through ( oh yes, I have started many a book in the last 2.5 years only to have it become covered in dust and the bookmark removed so that I have to start all the way over again.)
Also, if you have suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them. And now, in no particular order, my summer reading list-ish:
Harry Potter # 5, 6 & 7 (YEAH RIGHT! If I get through 5 I'll be happy!)
Confessions of a Slacker Mom
Scream-Free Parenting
How to Have A Mary Heart in a Martha World
God is Closer Than You Think
The Secret Lives of Girls
The Freedom Writers

I will probably add and subtract as I receive responses or change my mind. What's on your list or coffee table?

Don't call us, we WON'T call you.

I am officially the WORST daughter. My dad called to tell me so tonight. He doesn't EVER call. I guess you could look it up in the dictionary and see my picture or something. And to some degree it is true. I have been WAY overloaded at work and neglecting e-mails, children , spouse, and housework for at least the last 3 weeks. The end of the school year is just like that. So I do claim responsibility for part of my actions. But I do believe it takes two to tango and my mom was sending me snarky/provoking e-mails and I was trying to politely say nothing. The result is that we are not talking. And see here comes why I am the worst, I felt a little sad when he told me not to call, but mostly I felt


Relief that I don't have to act like nothing is wrong when there is something HUGELY wrong. Relief that I won't have to endure 12 hours of travel with an active toddler and 7 month old for a few days of pretending to know one another and enjoy each other's company.
Relief that I won't have to go through the family actions of calling or e-mailing without the family value of unconditional love.

Unfortunately when they do call, I know that it means something is REALLY wrong, like maybe my Grandma died, or my dad had a heartattack.
I feel like this might be a good thing. You see the only way I feel like I can preserve myself and the few shards of self-esteem or dignity I have left is to put up my shield to deflect the negativity, hurt, crazy, and superficiality. It's almost freeing.
I'm not sure how to proceed so that my children will know their Grandpa and Nana without the interference of this huge chasm between their parents and grandparents. You see, my husband is quite upset that my dad told me not to call or write. He feels that I shouldn't talk to them until I get an apology. And knowing my parents, I'm sure they are waiting for me to apologize first.
All I ask is that you pray we'll get a peaceful resolution and wisdom for me to know what to say and do. Of course, I've been praying for that for years.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

What's in a Name?

Asked Shakespeare. Well, I felt like the name of the blog didn't really fit any longer. Then when someone on a bulletin board I frequent commented on the low number of posts by listing the few other names and then "Heather at night" it made me think of a talk show. But, I liked it well enough to change the name here. I do usually post at night anyway, so it is fitting. Now all I need is some catchy theme music!

BIG boy

Grant had his 6 month check up Friday(almost a month late thanks to the busy-ness at the end of the school year) and here are his stats:
Height = 27 inches.
Weight = 19.9 pounds.
OMG No wonder my arms are getting tight and tired! And because I can't resist him, here is a recent pic. of that sweet boy.

A budding photographer

Ahh, summer. So Greg was dancing with Grayson and I wanted to get a picture. After I got the picture Grayson went looking for her camera and wanted to take some pictures. Of course we couldn't find it, so I let her use mine (with great delight I might add!) Below is the first (of I'm sure many to come) photo exhibit. I personally like the one of me at the end. What's your favorite?
This is part of the lazy boy chair. Next we have the computer chair (I'm sure you're starting to see her theme....)
Then she branches out to the foot stool I like to rest my feet on under the computer. She also got a little bit of her finger.
Then she moves further out and gets one of the whole room ( no judgments on Sun. about the cleanliness please....)
And then me.....

A little out of focus perhaps and missing a head, but still me. LOL
Happy Father's Day everyone.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Blogging and full-time employment

Just don't go together. I mean, it's 10:15 and I should be in bed, but yet it's been almost a month and I have so much I want to write about?!?! Is there a way I can blog and get paid to do it?! LOL. Okay, I'll post more in the next few days as there are only 3 weeks of school left and I have lessons written. Oh, did I mention I'll be switching jobs next year? Hope it will be good. I've been watching too much Food Network and now need a snack. Am I the only person that happens to?

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Lost

No, it's not a t.v. show. It's a waste of time because I have LOST too many things in the past week. I'd like to chock it up to mommy brain, but jeez. First on Tuesday I *thought* I left my classroom with the key. On Wednesday when I went to enter, I realized I did not have the key. The whole day finding the key was on my mind. In fact, I don't think I got but a few things done because I was trying to retrace my steps mentally. Luckily on Wednesday my student teacher had it on her desk! Thank goodness because there is a $50 fee for replacement and God knows I don't have that kind of money. Then on Friday I went to get our babysitter some cash....only to discover that my debit card is gone. I decided NOT to report it because I could have put it in my jacket pocket and I'm cheap (did I mention that?) and wanted to hunt some more unsuccessfully before surrendering. Did I also mention that I hate wasting time looking for things that did not make it to their properly allocated space?! ( that sentence sounds horribly anal when I just reread it!) Alas, by Sunday I had exhausted all areas and gave in. The new card will be here within 3 - 5 business days. The pisser is that I can't access my bank account online because the login is tied to your card number.....which I don't know since it hasn't arrived. I NEVER (I'm talking like before children) used to lose things. I already lost one classroom key this year (that's just karma trying to tell the rest of the school that I shouldn't be in 6th grade IMO) I think there is a secret blackhole in the cosmos that holds all my missing stuff, including all those single socks in the dryer. A Bermuda triangle if you will. Maybe when I die I'll have access to that Bermuda triangle and find all that I've lost.

Sunday Fun

It's official - summer is here!? Here is Grayson sitting in her chair, eating a popsicle in the Elmo sprinkler.
It was a beautiful day. Grant got to try his first popsicle.

My favorite part was when Grayson ran up and said she had "sparkly" hair. I tried to get a picture with the light just right to capture this phenomenon. It's days like these that make me long for more.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Love/Hate Relationship

I am limited on the amount of time when I shop, but I LOVE a bargain, and I NEED to not spend much money, so Wal-Mart is the perfect place for me.......but.....
I HATE it too.
I HAVE to go there once a week to stock up. I can get more food for the family there than any other place. And if I need something odd, I don't have to make another trip to a different store. This is especially important when you have a 2 yr. old who can only sit in the cart comfortably for about 20 min. and it is 5 o'clock p.m. and your 5 month old needs to nurse in the next half hour. I've been comparison shopping since last summer and watch the flyers like a hawk and this is my conclusion.
I HATE Wal-Mart for many reasons. Let's start with the carts. My local Food Lion started providing antibacterial wipes at their entrances near the carts. I find this small perk comforting. It was drizzling the last time I took the kids to Wal-Mart which meant that the seat was wet - could we find a papertowel to dry it off? No, we also passed our dry cart on to a couple entering in the same situation with their child. Next area of hatred.....the organization. Now I know they sell everything, but there has to be a more logical way to get it in that huge place. I mean, one should not have to spend twice their allocated shopping time in search of one item, my latest being floral wire - shouldn't it have been in the craft department near the fake flowers? I never did find it. Also if I need help finding something there isn't anyone around to ask. My financial and time budgets are both limited. The final area of hatred is the check-out. No matter how many they have open, there is ALWAYS a line - with at least 3 people, even the self check-outs. There has only been one time I did not have to wait in line and that was at 7 a.m. on a Monday. Unfortunately for most of the year I am on my way to work at this time. I'll save the rest of my comments on their workers for another rant!
And yet, in spite all of its flaws.................
I'll be there next week. Am I a hypocrit?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

5 months old

today Grant is 5 months old. I can't believe it has gone by so quickly. Happy 5 month birthday little buddy.

A mighty wind

Does this tree look half full or half empty? LOL
This is part of the branch that was laying across the driveway.
Daddy and Grayson took care of breaking down the branches.

Then on Monday we lost power for over an hour at school. THAT was exciting. We're okay now. Hope everyone else is.