Monday, May 21, 2007

Blogging and full-time employment

Just don't go together. I mean, it's 10:15 and I should be in bed, but yet it's been almost a month and I have so much I want to write about?!?! Is there a way I can blog and get paid to do it?! LOL. Okay, I'll post more in the next few days as there are only 3 weeks of school left and I have lessons written. Oh, did I mention I'll be switching jobs next year? Hope it will be good. I've been watching too much Food Network and now need a snack. Am I the only person that happens to?


Rebecca said...

If I worked I probably wouldn't have time to blog either. I don't get a lot of the stuff I think about written down in time (you know, before I forget it) and I have tons of ideas in my head that I'll probably never get to. C'est la vie!

I do the same thing if I see good I try to avoid Food TV!

Anonymous said...

I used to watch Food Network all the time!

I'm not sure blogging really goes with any full time effort. I mean, I'm able to do it from home, but that still doesn't mean I'm not supposed to be doing something ELSE with my time, LOL! It's just that I don't have a boss looking over my shoulder ~ which sometimes would be a GOOD thing, LOL!

I don't think you did mention you'd be changing jobs, so tell us more about it! :-)

Anyway, blog when you can; I'll be here to read it.

Anonymous said...

Food Network is one of my favorite stations ;) I always get hungry watching it, hehe!

I don't blog, and I don't even work - what's my excuse - you're doing great!