Wednesday, February 06, 2008

And then Wednesday came!

My job this year is quite different from what I have done the last 14 years. For the last 14 years I've been a regular classroom teacher - creating and executing life changing or at least memorable lessons, building relationships with students and staff, and excelling at both. So it is hard for me to set up criteria by which to gauge this year as far as being successful. I might have mentioned earlier that I have been placed in a highly unethical situation for the rest of the year. I have to do something simply because of who a child's step-dad is. I also have to spend a large amount of time (at least an hour and a half) daily preparing and executing this service (which started as a professional courtesy, but has gotten WAY out of hand) The amount of focus this service requires takes away from what my job is "supposed" to be. Needless to say, it bums me out. This is coupled with the fact that my job is only funded for this year. We were doing some investigating of the upcoming 5th grade population and it is about 40% of what it is this year - thereby giving more fuel to the "don't rehire" possibility. So on Saturday I found out a good friend got an administrative position and would be leaving her position similar to mine. It is called a curriculum facilitator. They are always funded. So I started thinking that maybe I could transfer to her position. And as I was thinking it came to me that the Board of Education has to approve transfers. THE BOARD. And then I realized it will never happen. That is because the unethical situation I mentioned earlier is a result of the President of the School Board. Yeah, he's the one who approves transfers, so if I transferred then the service would stop since it is his step child whom I serve. So, do you think I would be allowed to transfer. Probably not. I will have to find a job in another county. Which might not be such a bad thing because all the surrounding communities have higher pay than the one where I currently work. The poopy thing is that is will increase my travel time which will decrease my time with the kids.
So I was carrying all that poop with me today - thinking thoughts like - I don't care about the rest of the year. I'll do the least amount of work that is possible and comply and get out. And then......

Wednesday came.

Today is the day that I get to teach the smartest kids in the school. For a while I forgot that they were the reason I came here. Luckily today they reminded me with their wit and depth. Today we had meaningful conversation about why segragation should end, how the KKK really doesn't promote Christian values as its website suggests and why Jim Crow Laws were ridiculous.
Today we got to talk about the importance of being a good citizen to maintain our environment to reduce the disappearance of particular species due to their food chain being eliminated.
Today we got to create a video to help the incoming 5th graders.
Today we discovered that salt and baking soda really CAN embalm a chicken.
Thank GOD for Wednesday! I think I can make it until Friday now.


Anonymous said...

yay Wednesday!

school sounds so different from a teacher's perspective.

Did you eat the embalmed chicken when you were done?

mrs. b said...

Does it make you glad you home school?

I don't think it would be safe to eat the chicken! Plus, it's not quite finished.

Anonymous said...

I would at least TRY for that transfer. You already know it will probably be denied so don't set yourself up for disappointment. HOWEVER, if YOU don't at least try then it will really be YOU holding yourself back. And if they don't transfer you then that could be your reason for leaving the district (if you so choose)because you are ready to grow professionally. Good luck and I am glad that your Wednesday was so good...there will be really smart children at the next district too!

mrs. b said...

Heather - Good thinking about the transfer.
I'm not worried about not having smart children. I just wanted to try something different this year.