Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What to do, what to do

So, it's been another fun week at our house. We have a stomach bug and I have spent virtually NO time at school right before the close of the semester. I have paid for full daycare tuition, and now my husband and I are trading taking half days without pay to stay home with sick kids. BLAH. They have " the rea" (as a child I was a nanny to used to call it!) Grant has been loose since Sun. YIKES. Now I am just waiting to see if I get it. On to more exciting news.....

We might have a snow day tomorrow!!!!!! Living in the Piedmont of North Carolina creates interesting weather patterns. In fact, weather is one of my favorite things to teach! SOOOO, there is this cool thing called the Appalachian wedge. (excuse me, but here in NC the A word is pronounced Ah-puh-lah-chen). That is when a front of moisture moves up from the South and meets a cold front that has gotten stuck and trapped by the mountains. The result of this mixture is - SNOW. Thick and wet snow!!!! We have not had a measurable snow since Grayson was born - she is 3! The other thing that can happen is if the air isn't cold enough, then you get ice. I'm hoping it is snow and not ice tomorrow morning!!!

My favorite Snow day memory occurred when I was in college. I went to Western Michigan University in scenic Kalamazoo Michigan (yes, there really is a place called that!) It was close to the end of my academic career. In fact, I was student teaching. The other thing that you might not know is that since it can snow almost daily in Michigan, there aren't many snow days. That might be why this one sticks out. It involved a hill, two kids I babysat and my best friend - whom I was living with and presently miss very much - and her name is the same as mine. We had SO much fun sledding. I can only remember one other time having that much fun sledding and that was at my Grandparents house WAY up almost to the upper peninsula in Michigan and I lived there for 10 years. There were many snow forts, caves, and snow football games as well as outdoor skating!!! but back to the memory at hand....
I think we spent at least half the day outside sledding in different areas around the neighborhood. One was a hill at a Junior High near us. Another was near some tennis courts. You see, we lived half way up a hill, so any direction we went was down! I remember not minding the cold and knowing that this was a day I would always remember.
I wish I could remember more details, but I am old, and stressed, and sleep deprived! So, think of a really good time in the snow and then add my face. Perhaps my best friend will comment since I know she frequents the blog and share her memory.
I used to have such a good mind.....


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is I, the one with whom we BOTH share the same favorite snow day. I remember sitting on the floor in front of the TV waiting to see if each of our schools (we were student teaching) were on the list scrolling at the bottom of the screen. We both were very excited to see the names and jumped up and down in our pajamas singing the snow day song! And even though my first instinct was to go back to sleep (I must have been preparing for motherhood!) I was too excited to go back to bed. Then we knew that we must go sledding and grabbing the children you babysat was the icing on the cake. It really is the BEST snow day I have ever had and I sure am missing you too!

mrs. b said...

That's better than the time I scratched during the punchline and we couldn't here it!

Anonymous said...

did you get your snow day?

I don't think I sleddededed in college. Maybe because there were no hills nearby.

But today we have a lovely snow day. Don't know if we'll make it sledding or not, the age spread makes it more difficult ...

mrs. b said...

We did get a day off, but the snow melted before I could get a picture of the kids in it because it began raining. We got a little more snow on Sat. Some of it was still around today - that let's you know how cold it's been here!
I would say that age spread and the hip spread makes MANY things more difficult!
It was icy this morning - almost wrecked!!! I was scared.