Monday, April 09, 2007

Girl's Day

Today was girl's day! I took Grant to daycare and Grayson and I spent the day together. We started by visiting my favorite local bakery - the Tasty Bakery - for donuts this morning. I sort of had to bribe her to leave daycare without crying. Then we made up this little jingle "It's girls day, it's girls day!". We didn't exactly know what was going to happen on girl's day, but I was determined to see the sweet little girl I gave birth to about 2 years ago emerge. It seems the terrible two monster has overtaken her body. I wasn't sure if it was sibling rivalry or the terrible twos that was causing her to want to hit her parents and tell them NO. We proceeded to do some chores - cleaning mom and dad's bathroom and vacuuming the living room floor. She is a great helper and got a kick out of shaking the bathroom rugs. We jammed to the Barenaked Ladies while cleaning. I mean what better music to scrub a toilet to? Then it was time to take a shower. She loves to take a shower with me, in fact she inspected my C-section scar and asked "Boo-boo mommy?". She even offered to kiss it - yes a little weird, but that's what a 2 yr. old requires when she is hurt, so it made sense to her to kiss momma's boo-boo. It took about an hour for us to get dressed because my kid just doesn't want to wear clothes. I hope this tendency does not predestine her to some kind of stripping job. Once we got clothes and make up on, it was time to head to Target. My brother's birthday and my husband's birthday both fall this week. Got Easter placemats on 1/2 off. We were lucky the Icee machine was repaired AND had a new flavor - Green Apple. Then on our way home we stopped at Wendy's for nuggets and fries - the lunch of champions (NOT!). I chose the Chunky chicken Frescata. She discovered Ranch dressing is good "dip" for fries. After a very long potty break and repeated reminders to wipe top to bottom ( any suggestions on how to perfect this are greatly appreciated!) we were down for a nap. The phone disrupted mine, but at 4:15 I woke her so we could go get her brother. I look forward to the day at the end of the week with her brother. I saw shades of the girl I knew before her brother was born, and also the two year old demon child. It's days like today that make me wish I was a stay at home mom.

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